Alþjóðlegur dagur kuðungsígræðslu - 25.febrúar.
Alþjóðlegur dagur kuðungsígræðslu - 25.febrúar. Boð til ígræðsluþega um þátttöku í málþingi:
Delivering Person and Family Centred CI services
Thurs 23 Feb 2023; 19.00 UK+ÍSL, 20:00 CET,
Presenters include users, families and service providers - how can we work together to deliver lifelong Person and Family Centered Services? This Event will be chaired by Barbara Kelley, Chief Executive of the Hearing Loss Association of America and member of our Steering Group, Kris English, USA, Shari Eberts, USA, Darja Pajk, Slovenia, Helen Cullington UK, Cristiane Malheiros Pena and Manuela Malheiros Silva , Brazil, Jehan Daboo, India, and Robert Mandara, Finland.
To learn more about this CIICA LIVE event go to
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Please share the invitation with your colleagues, friends and family.